Join the Buddy Program if you are looking for:
An uplifting community that supports personal and professional growth
New friends/networking opportunities with fellow SJSU students
A glimpse into the life of a SHRM officer
Friendly, lighthearted competition
The Buddy Program is a semester-long program where SHRMies are paired with a SHRM officer, and form a friendship that supports each other personally and professionally.
Our program is designed to create meaningful friendships, while also showing the “Day in the Life of an Officer”. Although our officers often put on a professional presence for events, they also love to have fun and share their interests beyond SHRM at SJSU!
Not to mention, our Buddy Program includes some friendly competition. We implemented a “Buddy Point system” for every hour an officer/member pairing spends time together. Bonus points can also be awarded through completing Buddy Challenges.
The officer/member pairings with the most points will win a big prize at the end of the semester!